Eight Winning Murals Highlight Blairs District Festival in Silver Spring

The Blairs Mural Festival will feature eight winning murals drawn on six buildings in the Blairs Shopping District in Silver Spring.

The festival, which will be held Saturday in the Blairs district near the Silver Spring Metro, also features food trucks, face painting, garden tours and games and will run from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

The winning artists were chosen from 94 applicants and currently are painting their murals.

LaToya Peoples of Baltimore was one of the winning muralists. She is a painter, sculptor and printmaker who used exterior acrylic brush painting followed by Montana GOLD spray paint to design her mural featuring two women, flowers and bright colors.

Here is how she described her artwork and winning mural to MyMCM.

Hamilton Glass of Richmond, Va. centers his art on community engagement and has a background in architecture and design. His work often features hands.

Here’s what he told MyMCM about his artwork.

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