Are you ready for “Energy Action Month”? That’s what the county calls its month-long campaign to reduce energy consumption. You can tap into the goal by going electric in various aspects of daily life. The county wants you to “Electrify Everything.”
Each week in October will have a new Electrify theme, as follows:
- Oct. 3-9: Electrify Your Ride
- Oct 10-16: Electrify Your Home
- Oct. 17-23: Electrify Your Kitchen
- Oct. 24-31: Electrify Your Lawn
Since September 1991, October has been recognized as National Clean Energy Action Month. The initiative aims at increasing awareness of harmful energy sources like fossil fuels and natural gas. It’s all part of the county’s pledge to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the next decade.
Throughout the month, the Department of Environmental Protection will host dozens of Energy Action Month events including lightbulb exchanges, food demonstrations, and webinars.
Some of these events include:
- Saturday, Oct. 8, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Potomac Edison’s Appliance Recycling Drop-Off Event, Home Depot, 5517 Urbana Pike, Frederick.
- Saturday, Oct. 15, 11 a.m.-noon. Virtual conversation about electric heat pumps. Register in advance at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMvcOmqpjgqHNy6PFggZYrT60FDPTH39qS_
- Wednesday, Oct. 19, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Live food demonstrations using an induction cooktop. Crossroads Farmers Market, Anne St. at University Blvd East, Takoma Park
The Montgomery Energy Connection network, the county’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Montgomery County Recreation, the Department of Health and Human Services, Montgomery County Public Libraries, and community partners are collaborating to provide opportunities and information to move to electric energy and lower energy costs.
“This month-long celebration has now become an opportunity for our County residents to take proactive steps to use less energy and go electric,” said County Executive Marc Elrich. “As people understand and embrace electric vehicles, I hope the same will soon be said for people going all-electric in their homes. I am proud that our County government is taking the steps to make the transition to all-electric easier for people and businesses.”
For more information on the events and activities celebrating Energy Action Month, go to https://mygreenmontgomery.org/2022/electrify-everything/ .
Along with the campaign, the DEP encourages residents to sign an “Electrify Everything Pledge,” to commit to choosing climate-friendly, all-electric appliances and equipment for home upgrades. The County will soon announce a pilot program to provide financial incentives for residents renovating their homes to accommodate electric energy.
To take the Electrify Everything Pledge, go to https://bit.ly/ElectrifyMC
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