Essay Contest on Self-Driving Cars Awards Scholarship Money

photo of self-driving bus

Interested in autonomous vehicle technology? High school juniors and seniors in Maryland, D.C. and Virginia are encouraged to write an essay for a chance at a college scholarship.

Partners for Automated Vehicle Education (PAVE) has launched its second annual STEM essay contest. Students can write about what this technology could mean to their community.

“Autonomous vehicles offer the biggest opportunity since the dawn of the automobile to rethink our transportation system: How can we create a system that serves more people more effectively, while making roads more efficient and more environmentally sustainable?” said PAVE Executive Director Tara Andringa in a news release.

The deadline to enter is March 15.

Entrants pick one of three essay prompts. Prizes for the three top entries range from $1,000 to $2,500.

Funding for the scholarships is provided by Maryland-based STEER Tech. The contest also is sponsored by the Maryland Department of Transportation and the District Department of Transportation.

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