Evan Glass Elected Council President; Friedson Vice-President

Evan Glass, the first openly gay person to be elected to Montgomery County council, was unanimously chosen its president Tuesday during the new 11-member council’s first meeting.

Andrew Friedson unanimously was elected vice president.

During her first meeting, Councilmember Natali Fani-Gonzalez nominated Glass, praising him for his “ability to really listen to people” and for his work throughout the county.

Glass vowed to serve with humility and dedication and to spotlight the needs of all county residents. He called it his priority to collaborate with his fellow councilmembers, County Executive Marc Elrich, Governor-Elect Wes Moore, legislators in Annapolis, county residents and stakeholders.

Glass vowed “to push social policies that are more just…while being a responsible steward of our tax paying dollars.”

Councilmember Will Jawando expressed his disappointment that the most diverse council the county has ever had did not choose a person of color or a woman as president or vice president. “The leadership that is being elected doesn’t reflect it,” he said, referring to its diversity. “That’s disappointing.”

He also called for the council to conduct more of its business during public council meetings rather than behind the scenes.

Councilmember Sidney Katz used wordplay with the new president’s name, noting about his friend and colleague, “We can make Montgomery County Evan better.” He said the new council will be “Evan-handed” and “an Evan better place.”

As he took his new seat, President Glass listed his goals of ending homelessness, eliminating bus fares, making it safe to walk and bike around the county and working toward the county’s goal of reducing emissions.

The council added a new standing committee. Economic development is the council’s seventh committee. The others are education and culture, government operations and fiscal policy, health and human services, planning and housing, public safety and transportation and environment.

Outgoing President Gabe Albornoz, who will remain on the council, was given a gavel and praised for his year-long leadership. Noted Glass, “Quite frankly this year, you hit a home run.”

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