A house fire displaced a family Monday in Gaithersburg.
Nobody was injured and damage is estimated to be around $85,000, according to Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service (MCFRS) Chief Spokesperson Pete Piringer.
MCFRS responded to Hutton Street shortly after 2 p.m.
The fire originated on the rear deck in a plastic bucket, probably due to fireplace ashes that were not fully extinguished, Piringer shared on Twitter. He added weather likely played a factor.
Update – Hutton St, 1 family displaced; Origin/Cause, rear deck, plastic bucket, probable fireplace ashes were not fully extinguished (continued to smolder inside plastic bucket), resulting fire spread to combustibles; Weather likely played a factor; Damage ~$85K; no injuries https://t.co/NUGj5BXGRh pic.twitter.com/aFvJVVt8Qu
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) February 7, 2023
Update – Hutton St, Gaithersburg, fire under control, no extension to attic or basement, no injuries https://t.co/ImiEWfs9Cd pic.twitter.com/7Y3goGFVOG
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) February 6, 2023
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