During the 15th Gaithersburg Book Festival, authors read from their latest books, answered questions and signed books.
The rain held off for most of the day at Bohrer Park as readers met their favorite authors, youngsters spent time in the Children’s Village and people munched on lobster rolls, french fries and funnel cakes from food trucks.
@GburgBookFest was a wonderful way to celebrate books, authors, and the joy of reading! Shout out to all MCPS community members who showcased and volunteered! @Whetstone_ES @CSconnect_MCPS pic.twitter.com/ll9LBenCRC
— Mada Gray (@whetstonecsl) May 20, 2024
The rain didn’t get in the way of the @GburgBookFest today! And the festival didn’t get in the way of the deer grazing at Bohrer Park. Congrats on another successful festival day for all ages! pic.twitter.com/TZsTLCifwK
— Councilmember Dawn Luedtke (@dawn_luedtke) May 19, 2024
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