It’s Tuesday, Jan. 14 and it is National Dress Up Your Pet Day. If you’re a cat owner and you’re choosing to celebrate, best of luck and keep some bandaids close by. Here are five things worth knowing in Montgomery County.
1. Council in Session: Montgomery County Council meets for the first time of the new year. Here’s a look at the agenda for the meeting.
2. Districtwide Boundary Analysis Meeting: Montgomery County Public Schools is inviting the community to attend its public meeting on the districtwide boundary analysis tonight from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Northwest High School in Germantown.
3. MCPS Jobs Open House: MCPS is holding an open house for professionals interested in teaching their trades and professions to MCPS students from 4 to 7 p.m. at Gaithersburg High School, 101 Education Blvd.
Schools to Hold Job Open House for Skilled Trades Professionals Tuesday
4. The Future of Food: Montgomery County Planning Department’s three-part “Big Ideas Series” kicks off from 6 to 7 p.m. at 8787 Georgia Avenue in Silver Spring. Tonight’s topic is “The Future of Food” and includes the following panelists: Daryll Perkins, director of impact and co-founder of Broccoli City Festival; Hannah Sholder, co-founder and director of land stewardship at the Charles Koiner Center for Urban Farming; Ben Butler, farm and finance manager of Butler’s Orchard; and Greg Glenn, the co-founder, CEO and education director at Farm & Livestock Manager of Rocklands Farm Winery. The discussion is moderated by Caroline Taylor, the executive director at Montgomery Countryside Alliance. RSVP for the discussion here.
5. Intro to the Maryland Women’s Business Center: From 2 to 3 p.m. there will be a workshop at the White Oak Library about how the Maryland Women’s Business Center can support entrepreneurs through business start-up and growth. Register for the event here.
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