Five Things to Know Today, Aug. 3, in Montgomery County

It’s Monday, Aug. 3, and here are five things to know in Montgomery County

1. County Council Recess:  The Montgomery County Council meets Tuesday, Aug. 4 and then is in summer recess through Friday, Sept. 11. There are numerous public hearings scheduled for September, here is the list at this time.

2. Municipal Monday: Gaithersburg’s Mayor and Council meet at 7:30 p.m. Here’s the agenda and virtual meeting information may be found here.  Poolesville’s Town Commissioners meet at 7 p.m. Here’s the agenda. The Rockville Mayor and Council meet at 7 p.m. The agenda may be found here. Prior to the meeting, residents may sign up for a virtual drop-in meeting with Mayor Newton and Councilmember Mark Pierzchala from 5:30 to 6:30.

3. Hate/Bias Incidents: Montgomery County Police will meet virtually with Asian-American residents to discuss hate/bias incidents today from 5 to 7 p.m. Reach out to Captain Tom Jordan to participate in the meeting via zoom. ( email

4. Voice Assistant Technology: The county’s Senior Planet Tech Lecture series continues today with a lecture on voice assistance technology today at 2:30 p.m.

5. Vision Zero Survey:  Montgomery County wants to hear residents opinions on how to improve traffic safety for walking, biking, rolling and driving. The county is encouraging residents to complete an online survey which is open until Sunday, Aug. 9.

And as a reminder to our loyal readers…Find the latest coronavirus news updates in Montgomery County here.

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