Five Things to Know Today, Sept. 30, in Montgomery County

Today is Wednesday, Sept. 30 and here are five things to know in Montgomery County.

1. Weekly COVID-19 Media Briefing: County Executive Marc Elrich and County Health Officer Dr. Travis Gayles will hold their weekly media briefing at 12:30 p.m. You can watch live on MCM channels 21 and 995 (HD) and on Facebook and County Cable Montgomery.

2. Free COVID-19 Testing: Montgomery County’s free coronavirus testing clinic runs from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Wheaton Library and Community Recreation Center and the CDC Mobile Trailer at Lakeforest Mall.

County COVID-19 Testing Clinics Available Week of Sept. 28

3. Street Planning Study: At 6:30 p.m. Montgomery County Transportation will have a virtual meeting about the North High Street Extension Facility Planning Study in Olney. The study evaluates different ideas for a road extension of North High Street to Morningwood Drive. Register!

4. Road Work Ahead: The Gaithersburg Public Works Department will do pavement milling on Michele Court, Marquis Drive & Cullinan Drive beginning today. “No Parking” signs with dates and times of restrictions will be posted ahead of construction. The work is expected to be completed in 3-4 days.

5. Senior Planet Montgomery: Senior Planet Montgomery continues to offer free Zoom classes to senior residents. Today’s classes include “Getting Started with Lyft” and “Telemedicine.”

And as a reminder to our loyal readers…Find the latest coronavirus news updates in Montgomery County here.

Coronavirus photo for tag page

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