The National Weather Service (NWS) issued a Flash Flood Watch for Montgomery County beginning noon Thursday until midnight.
NWS said slow-moving storms with heavy rain could potentially cause flash flooding and told residents to be prepared to act if a Flash Flood Warning is issued or if flooding is seen.
According to Montgomery County Emergency Management and Homeland Security, a Flash Flood Watch means flash flooding might be possible, while a Flash Flood Warning means that flash flooding is happening and residents should go to higher ground.
Flash Flood Watch this (Thu) afternoon thru midnight. This is for the potential of flash flooding due to slow moving storms with very heavy rain. Be ready to act if warnings are issued, or flooding is observed. #TurnAroundDontDrown pic.twitter.com/J86gIra0sO
— NWS Baltimore-Washington (@NWS_BaltWash) June 10, 2021
A Flash Flood Watch has been issued for Montgomery County beginning noon today through this evening, Thursday, June 10. Expect heavy rainfall that may produce flooding.
More information: https://t.co/yI8FWncsmL #MdWx pic.twitter.com/EUkSTDjDxt
— Montgomery Co OEMHS (@ReadyMontgomery) June 10, 2021
A Flash Flood Watch is in effect for mainly northern and central portions of the area this afternoon and this evening, but flooding could occur almost anywhere today, and the risk will continue into Friday. pic.twitter.com/JKid9RsqSx
— NWS Baltimore-Washington (@NWS_BaltWash) June 10, 2021
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