Former Principal Beidleman No Longer Employed by School District

As of Wednesday, former Principal Joel Beidleman is no longer a Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) employee, confirmed Chris Cram, MCPS director of communications.

Cram did not comment on why Beidleman, who is the subject of numerous harassment, bullying and sexual harassment complaints, was moved from administrative leave to no longer an employee. He had been on administrative leave since August of 2023.

Cram also did not comment on whether Beidleman was fired or resigned and whether the former principal at Farquer Middle School received a financial incentive to leave.

“Personnel privacy law prohibits me from providing any more information,” he wrote in an email to MCM.

The announcement came on the same day that the Montgomery County Inspector General’s Office review of how MCPS handles complaints was released.

The report determined that the school district “does not have a comprehensive protocol addressing the receipt, evaluation, tracking and disposition of complaints.”

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