Four Restaurants Warned by County Health Inspectors for Breaking COVID-19 Regulations

Four restaurants — Quincy’s Potomac Bar & Grille, Unplugged Restaurant & Sports Bar, Limerick Pub and Plan B Bar and Grill — have been warned or cited by County health inspectors within a two-week period due to COVID-19 restaurant violations.

The reports, which were written by the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), were all filed on March 27 and April 3.

Quincy’s Potomac, located at 1093 Seven Locks Road, was given a warning from DHHS after it reported to have “overcrowding in the bar area” and people were not socially distanced within six feet of distance.

Unplugged Restaurant & Sports Bar, located at 11305 Georgia Avenue in Wheaton, was reported to have three customers not wearing masks while walking into the establishment. The report also mentioned a customer refusing to put on a mask. In another incident, a customer who did not have a mask was given one by the bar staff. The result of the report led to the possibility of a $500 fine and a civil citation.

Limerick Pub, located at 11301 Elkin Street in Wheaton, was reported to have an employee with their face covering beneath their nose and mouth. There were also customers smoking on the restaurant’s patio, which is prohibited. Limerick Pub may be fined $500 and a civil citation for the violations.

The disc jockey at Plan B Bar and Grill, which is located at 11272 Georgia Avenue in Wheaton, was not wearing a face covering. In addition to this, a waitress was seen not wearing a face covering when she walked away from a customer’s table. As this is not the restaurant’s first incident of COVID-19 violations, a citation will be issued to the owners.

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