The Washington Regional Alcohol Program’s (WRAP) St. Patrick’s Day SoberRide® program offers free Lyft rides to keep drivers from drinking and getting behind the wheel. The service is available from 4 p.m. Friday, March 17 until 4 a.m. Saturday, March 18. Nearly half of the U.S. Highway deaths on St. Patrick’s Day involve drunk drivers.
Use the Lyft app on a smartphone to receive a free ride home, then enter a code in the app’s “Promo” section. The promo code will be posted on the SoberRide website at 3 p.m. on Friday. Participants must be 21 or older to use the SoberRide service.
Last year, 482 persons in the Washington metropolitan area used WRAP’s St. Patrick’s Day SoberRide® program rather than possibly driving home impaired.
WRAP’s SoberRide, founded in 1982, has helped to ensure greater Washington, DC residents have a safe way home on high-risk holidays, according to a news release. Since 1991, WRAP has provided over 84,676 safe rides home. Currently, SoberRide operates on Cinco de Mayo, Independence Day, Halloween, and the winter holidays including New Year’s Eve.