El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (NWS) ha emitido una advertencia de inundación para una gran parte del condado, el martes hasta las 11:30 a. m. Se esperan inundaciones en áreas que incluyen Germantown, Rockville, Gaithersburg, Damascus, Poolesville, Aspen Hill, Potomac, North Bethesda, Montgomery Village, North Potomac y Redland. Hay una alerta de inundación para el condado de Montgomery y las áreas circundantes de 4 a. m. a 2 p. m.
Las fuertes lluvias provocarán inundaciones en las próximas 24 horas. Las inundaciones repentinas son posibles.
El NWS espera que caigan alrededor de 1.5 a 2 pulgadas de lluvia. Algunas áreas pueden recibir hasta 4 pulgadas de lluvia.
⚠️A Flood Warning is in effect for a large portion of Montgomery County until 11:30am.
🚧If you approach a flooded or barricaded road, turn around & go the other way. It is never safe to drive or walk through flooded areas. Turn around, don't drown.
➡️https://t.co/ljjl2uRYmq pic.twitter.com/HbDbRXuvPX
— Montgomery Co OEMHS (@ReadyMontgomery) September 6, 2022
The previous Flood Watch has been canceled. A new Flood Watch is in effect from 4 AM-2 PM Tuesday across the DC & Baltimore metros northward to the Mason-Dixon Line. 2-3" of rain are possible in this watch area, with isolated amounts up to 5". #MDwx #VAwx #DCwx pic.twitter.com/OfAhKifOhU
— NWS Baltimore-Washington (@NWS_BaltWash) September 6, 2022
Weather ALERT Flood WARNING @MontgomeryCoMD heavy rain (1 to 1.5” per hour) Flooding is ongoing/expected, Between 1.5 & 3” of rain have fallen. Locations flooding include..Germantown, Rockville, Gaithersburg, Olney, Damascus, Poolesville, Aspen Hill, Bethesda, Potomac …. https://t.co/8ODG0KAi9p pic.twitter.com/M299cKRKOK
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) September 6, 2022
The National Weather Service has issued a Flood Watch for Montgomery County beginning 4 AM 9/6/2022 until 2 PM. Expect heavy rainfall that may produce flooding within the next 24 hours. For more info: https://t.co/Ji8Rwuxwjj #MDWX
— Montgomery Co OEMHS (@ReadyMontgomery) September 6, 2022
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