One Step Closer for New Library in Clarksburg, Renovations for Other Libraries

Members of the Montgomery County Council’s Education and Culture Committee gave their stamp of approval Thursday to spend millions on building a library in Clarksburg and renovating several other libraries.

Renovations to the Chevy Chase and Noyes Children’s Library were approved. These projects, as well as funds to rehabilitate the county’s 21 libraries, now must go before the full council for its approval of the next capital improvements budget.

Following a recommendation by County Executive Marc Elrich, the committee members agreed to spend about $70 million over the next six years to build a library at the corner of Route 355 and Stringtown Road in Clarksburg. It would be a one-story structure of about 20,000 square feet.

Originally, the library was to be located in the Town Center but plans now call for it to be located nearby for several reasons.

A one-story building would cost less and need fewer employees, according to committee members. While it may be smaller, there will be adequate room as there would be no need for elevators and stairwells.

Library Director Anita Vassallo noted that the new site is located along the proposed bus rapid transit line.

“The Clarksburg Library has been on the books for quite a long time,” she said, adding, Clarksburg residents currently go to Germantown or Howard County when they use a library.

Councilmember Marilyn Balcombe, who represents that area, said, “If I had my way, I would double the size.” She noted that homeowners in Town Square are disappointed that the library won’t be located there and are concerned what will end up on that land.

“This has been a very disappointing conversation to have with residents of town center,” she said.

However, she noted, “The alternative site is very close.” She asked that a walking path or trail be located between the new library and Town Center.

Construction at the new library is expected to begin during Fiscal Year 2026.

About $5.8 million over four years was approved by committee members for work at the Chevy Chase Library. The site is expected to include affordable housing but that is not included in this allocation.

Improvements are needed to the mechanical systems. There is water in the basement. “We continue to patch and put band aids on it,” said Greg Ossont, Deputy Director of the county’s Department of General Services.

For the Noyes project, the county expects to spend $3.54 million during the next six years. This project was put out to bid previously. Only one bid was received, and it was twice the amount the county planned to spend, Ossont said.

The committee approved $4.6 million for technology improvements over six years.

Another $26.5 million was allocated across the entire library system for new furniture, painting and equipment upgrades. The first library scheduled for this work is Damascus followed by Brigadier General Charles McGee Library in Silver Spring.


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