Gaithersburg Announces Changes in Services and Programs to Prevent COVID-19 Spread

Photo | City of Gaithersburg

The City of Gaithersburg announced Monday they would remain open for essential business only in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The city stressed they are committed to following the stringent guidelines to help slow the spread of infection in a news release.

Gaithersburg officials urge residents to rely on trusted sources for the most up-to-date information about coronavirus. If a resident is experiencing symptoms, helpful information is available on the Montgomery County Health and Human Services website.

City Status

The City of Gaithersburg remains open for essential business only. For the health and safety residents and City employees, services are being limited and/or modified to minimize face to face interaction. The following changes, cancellations and modifications are in place through at least April 30. Updates will be made on the City’s website at and on Facebook and Twitter @GburgMD.


All public-facing areas of all City facilities, with the exception of the Police Station lobby, are closed. Essential business will be transacted at City Hall and the Activity Center by appointment only. Please call the facility for instructions.


  • The following services are suspended through at least April 30:
  • Bulk pick-up
  • Passports
  • Rental housing inspections and non-essential interior maintenance inspections
  • Non-emergency animal control services

Recycling will be picked up on its regular schedule. Spring loose leaf collection will take place March 30 – April 17. For all other services, please call or email the appropriate department for instructions.

Events and Activities

There will be no public events, programs, classes, sports, performances, or non-essential meetings through at least April 30. Facilities are not available for rent.

Legislative Meetings

Meetings of the Planning Commission, Board of Appeals and Historic District Commission will be held only if necessary. Public comment can be made by email to

Regular meetings of the Mayor and City Council will be held as scheduled. Work sessions are cancelled. Only essential business will be conducted at the Regular meetings. The “Public Comment” agenda item is being removed. Public comment will be accepted via e-mail to Content of the Mayor and City Council meetings is tweeted in real time.

Legislative meetings are aired live on the City’s cable channel, Comcast 13 and RCN/FiOS 25, on YouTube, and via the website at

Comments are closed.

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