Gaithersburg to Host Little Free Library Dedication

The city of Gaithersburg will hold a Little Free Library dedication at the Arts Barn off of Kent Square Road on Friday, Oct. 8 at 6 p.m. This dedication will mark the fourth little free library in Gaithersburg. The others are located at Constitution Gardens, History Park in Olde Towne and Kentlands Mansion.

“I am delighted to welcome another Little Free Library to the Arts Barn and Kentlands Mansion campus,” said Shellie Williams, Cultural Events and Services Division Chief of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture. “These book-sharing boxes give 24/7 access to reading and bring community members together to share their joy of the written word. Best of all, as demonstrated by the libraries at the Arts Barn and Mansion, when it comes to design and decoration, they can be as imaginative as their creators.”



The Little Free Library is a non-profit organization that strives to give everyone access to free books. Anyone may take a book to read for free without having to give up one in return. The library uses the honor system to ensure that there are always books available so book donations to a library are welcomed.

The dedication on Friday will be in the memory of Jered Lottes, a Boy Scouts of America member from Troop 1760. Lottes built the Arts Barn little free library as part of an Eagle Scout project and local artist, Hiral Joshi, painted the library using imagery inspired by the performing arts sector.

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