Gaithersburg Veterans Day Event Supports Homeless Veterans, Honors Service Members

Gaithersburg will honor military veterans during its annual Veterans Day Observance Monday, Nov. 11, 2024. The ceremony starts at 11 a.m. at the City Hall Concert Pavilion, 31 South Summit Avenue.

The observance will feature patriotic music and speeches. City officials and local veterans will participate in a wreath-laying ceremony. The Gaithersburg High School NJROTC will present the colors, and the Gaithersburg Chorus will perform the National Anthem.

The Gaithersburg High School Jazz Ensemble will play patriotic tunes, while Gaithersburg High School band member Ronald Martinez will perform “Taps.” A reception, provided by Mackie’s Barbecue Co., will follow the ceremony in the City Hall Gallery.

Retired U.S. Air Force Col. David Rhodes will deliver the keynote address. A veteran with 45 years of military and civilian experience, Col. Rhodes has served in combat and leadership roles, including command of NATO operations and a position as a special advisor for Global Issues to Vice President Al Gore.

The event also supports the Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless (MCCH), which assists homeless veterans. MCCH will collect donations, including toiletries and cleaning supplies, during the observance. Attendees can also make monetary donations to support the coalition’s work.

For more information or to arrange a donation drop-off, email


Photo Veterans Day 2023 courtesy City of Gaithersburg, taken by Photoloaf Media

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