Gaithersburg Will Honor Veterans Day in Annual Observance

Gaithersburg will hold their annual Veterans Day Observance ceremony on Saturday, Nov. 11 at 11 a.m. at the City Hall Concert Pavilion.

City officials and members of local veterans groups will honor those who have served in all branches of the military. Dr. Paul Fowler, United States Public Health Service and Past Commander of local American Legion Post 68 will be the guest speaker. Dr. Fowler currently serves the American Legion Department of Maryland as its Judge Advocate.

The ceremony includes presentation of colors by Gaithersburg High School Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps, the laying of a wreath honoring veterans, and music by Gaithersburg High School. Band member Abigail Namikisa will play Taps.

A reception with refreshments immediately follows the ceremony in the City Hall Gallery.

There will  be a place to drop off food, toiletries and cleaning supplies for homeless veterans at the ceremony. A list of requested items is available here. Monetary donations may be done online.

The concert pavilion is located at 31 South Summit Avenue in Gaithersburg.

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