Gender Pay Gap Closed For Women Employed by the County

Montgomery County Councilmember Evan Glass celebrated national Equal Pay Day by declaring, “Montgomery County has eliminated the gender pay gap for all new county employees.”

Councilmembers issued a proclamation Tuesday in honor of national Equal Pay Day.

In Maryland, women are paid 86 cents for every one dollar a man makes in fulltime jobs, according to Glass.

Black women receive 67 cents. Native Americans and Alaskan women receive 56 cents, and Latinas make only 50 cents compared to a man in an equivalent job, Glass said.

“We know that not every organization, not every business, quite frankly, not every government pays everybody fairly,” he said.

Following adoption of a pay equity act in 2019, county employers could no longer ask about an applicant’s previous salaries. That has greatly helped close the gender pay gap here, according to Glass.

He called upon business owners to stop asking about previous salaries and to not determine salaries based on gender.

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