The bus only lanes along Georgia Avenue that were created when five Red Line stations were shut down for three months will remain through at least December.
The Georgia Avenue Bus Lane Pilot was created to move shuttle buses more quickly during Metro’s construction work as well as work for the Purple Line. The stations that will reopen Sunday are Glenmont, Wheaton, Forest Glen, Silver Spring and Takoma.
An agreement between Metro and the Maryland and Montgomery County Departments of Transportation enabled the bus only lanes project to be extended.
“I appreciate the extension of the pilot project to allow us to explore options for improved and more equitable access along this corridor,” said County Executive Marc Elrich in a news release.
“Bus lanes across the region have increased reliability and decreased travel time for bus passengers. We want to improve the service for our existing riders – many of whom are low income, low English proficiency, or have disabilities – and demonstrate to potential new riders that the bus can be an attractive transportation option,” he said.
Metro Changes Red Line Shuttle Bus Service to Help With Travel Times
Free Shuttle Bus and Travel Alternatives for Summer Red Line Closures
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