Governor Hogan Announces Covid-19 Serum Testing For Firefighters

State health officials are conducting a COVID-19 serology testing study for all professional and volunteer firefighters in Maryland, according to Gov. Larry Hogan.

This plan, which is active in seven jurisdictions, is a key part of the Maryland Department of Health’s Covid-19 antibody study. The testing uses a blood sample to look for antibodies that were made in response to a previous Covid-19 infection.

Participants will receive serology testing and diagnostic kits, sample collection supplies, and sample collection training.

“Serology testing helps our health officials determine the prevalence of the virus, so we can have a better idea about how to prevent transmission and help protect our essential workforce,” said Hogan.

Testing is currently active in Frederick County, Prince George’s County, Worcester County, the Cities of Annapolis and Salisbury, Fort Detrick, and BWI StationSince Sept. 15, Frederick County and the City of Annapolis have submitted over 650 serologic samples from their fire fighting forces.

MDH Secretary Robert R. Neall. wants to continue to bring all local jurisdictions into this initiative. “More participation not only increases the reach of our study, but also provides valuable insight about the prevalence of COVID-19 among our first responders and the communities they serve.”

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