Governor Hogan Calls for Emergency Suspension of Gas Tax

Governor Larry Hogan (D) announced that he is working with “our legislative partners” toward the emergency suspension of gas tax in a statement on March 10, following a report from the Board of Revenue Estimates.

“Today’s incredible revenue estimates increase our already record surplus and reinforce the fact that Maryland continues to have one of the strongest recoveries in America,” Hogan said in the statement. “This report further proves that we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to advance substantial tax relief for our families, small businesses, and retirees. People across the country are being squeezed by surging inflation on everything from gas to groceries⁠—Marylanders, especially our retirees, deserve and need this relief.”

Hogan went on to say, with “uncertainty due to Russian aggression,” legislatures are currently working on a resolution to implement an emergency suspension of the automatic increase in the gas tax. The Maryland governor further reported a call with the Biden administration discussing increasing domestic energy to assist in lowering costs.

“Now more than ever, we must come together to take bold, bipartisan action,” Hogan said.

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