The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) awarded a grant of $85,000 for design work on a path for walkers and bikers to get to the Germantown MARC station. This station has the highest ridership in Montgomery County for the MARC train.
The grant is for preliminary engineering and short-term consultation services at the Walter Johnson Road shared-use path connection. The goal is create a safe path from nearby residential and commercial areas directly to the MARC station.
When the entire project is completed by December 2022, COG expects transit ridership to increase.
COG’s Transit Within Reach program funds design and preliminary engineering projects. Small capital improvements include work on sidewalks, trails and crosswalks.
The National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) awarded a total of about $240,000 in technical assistance funds to three area projects. This one is the only project in Montgomery County.
The grants were awarded to projects located hear high-capacity transit that provided access for low-income communities and communities of color.
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