Hampden Lane Liquor & Wine Store Employee Tests Positive for Coronavirus

Montgomery County’s Alcohol Beverage Services (ABS) announced Friday that an employee who works at the Hampden Lane Liquor & Wine store in Bethesda tested positive for coronavirus. At this time, the Bethesda store is temporarily closed for sanitizing and deep cleaning which will take place Saturday morning.

According to the news release, the employee went home on Wednesday, March 25 because they were not feeling well.  The employee subsequently tested positive for the virus.

Public health officials advise anyone who visited Hampden Lane Liquor & Wine, 4920 Hampden Lane in Bethesda on March 23 or 24 to monitor their temperature and watch for respiratory symptoms. If you have a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher or respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath, contact your health care provider and let them know you may have come in contact with someone who tested positive for coronavirus.

ABS has temporarily closed the Hampden Lane store for sanitizing and deep cleaning which will take place Saturday morning. In addition, ABS retail stores have already begun installing plexiglass to create a barrier between consumers and staff at the register, staff is frequently disinfecting surfaces and is encouraging social distancing of at least six feet. Signage reminding customers to engage in social distancing was posted in each store last week.

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