High School Students Win 2025 ‘Heads Up, Phones Down’ Video Contest

The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) announced the winners of its 2025 “Heads Up, Phones Down” video contest.

Htoo Lin of Richard Montgomery High School won the grand prize in the individual category. David Salinas and Zachary Long of Seneca Valley High School took the top prize in the team category.

The competition encouraged high school students to create videos urging their peers to avoid distractions from cell phones while driving or walking.

Nearly 100 students submitted videos in English or Spanish. The contest was open to all public and private high school students in Montgomery County. Participants entered individually or in teams of up to four.

On March 14, the MCDOT Pedestrian Safety team visited the grand prize winners’ schools to present prizes, balloons, and recognition.

Winning group submissions received $800 for the grand prize, $400 for first place, and $200 for second place. The prize money was split evenly among team members, who received Visa gift cards. Individual winners received prizes that included an Apple MacBook Pro, an Apple Watch, or a tripod.

Individual Winners

Grand Prize: Htoo Lin, Richard Montgomery High School – “No Message More Important than Making it Back.”

First Runner-Up: Fernando Rodriguez Batres, Wheaton High School – “Success in Crossing the Road and YOU!”

Second Runner-Up: Tihun Oler, Northwest High School – “Safety to the T.”

Group Winners

Grand Prize: David Salinas and Zachary Long, Seneca Valley High School – “Chatterbox.”

First Runner-Up: Mirae Denaro and Tyler Skibo, Walter Johnson High School – “Heads Up Phones Down 2025.”

Second Runner-Up: Mohammad Abbasi and Everett Welsh, Walter Johnson High School – “HUPD Poem.”

MCDOT Director Chris Conklin highlighted the dangers of distracted driving. “More than 6,000 young drivers in Maryland are injured, and 14 are killed annually in crashes,” he said in a statement. “Texting while driving increases the risk of crashing by 23 times. We need young drivers to hold themselves and each other accountable. These videos help send a strong message.”

Winning videos and photos of the winners are available at montgomerycountymd.gov/hupd.


MCDOT’s ‘Heads Up, Phones Down’ Contest Now Open for Teen Entries

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