Historical Marker Dedication Remembers Lynching Victim

On Sunday, Oct 22, the Montgomery County Lynching Memorial Project (MoCoLMP) will dedicate a historical marker to George Peck in Poolesville. Peck was the first of three victims of lynching in Montgomery County in the 19th century.

Twenty-two year old George Peck was hanged from a tree in Poolesville in January of 1880. Accused of an attempted assault on a white girl, he was arrested. An angry mob murdered Peck before he could be sent to Rockville for a trial.

The dedication ceremony is open to the public and takes place outdoors at the Poolesville Presbyterian Church at 3 p.m. Sunday. The church is located at 17800 Elgin Road.

MoCoLMP held a soil collection ceremony in Poolesville in 2019 across from the site where Peck was hanged. People took turns scooping dirt and filling up six jars. Students from John F. Kennedy and Poolesville high schools read poetry.

This County Cable Montgomery video explains the soil collection ceremony.

A reception follows the dedication at Locals Farm Market.

Sunday’s event takes place rain or shine. If raining. the Poolesville Memorial United Methodist Church, 17821 Elgin Road will host the program.




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