Hogan Creates $30 Million Fund to Curb Evictions

Gov. Larry Hogan announced Friday that he is committing $30 million in new funding to help prevent evictions and to assist Maryland residents affected by the global pandemic.

Montgomery County is expected to receive $3 million of the total funds.

“Too many Marylanders have faced undue financial hardships during this unprecedented crisis, including the inability to pay their rent,” Hogan said in a news release.

“While our eviction moratorium has helped families remain in safe and stable housing through the pandemic, we are also maximizing federal resources to help as many renters as possible.”

According to a news release from Hogan, about 9,000 of the 45,000 state-financed rental units in Maryland currently are delinquent at an estimated cost of $3 million per month.

The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development will use $20 million from a federal Community Development Block Grant program to help prevent evictions in all 24 counties.

The other $10 million will be set aside for the assisted housing relief program. This program is designed to help landlords who have lost rental payments but still have maintenance costs. Once eligible property management companies receive the money for back rent, tenants will have their debt eliminated and no longer face eviction.

The program only includes rental units in multi-family projects financed by DHCD’s Community Development Administration using state funds or federal resources, such as the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program where the unit rent is controlled.

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