Hundreds Attend Family Forum on Fentanyl

Clarksburg High School hosted a Family Forum on Fentanyl on Saturday, Jan. 28. Hundreds of parents, students and educators filled the folding chairs in the school cafeteria to learn more about the powerful—and often deadly—drug.

My MCM spoke with members of the audience to find out why they came.

Principal Edward Owusu welcomed the crowd to what will be the first of a series of programs by Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) dedicated to containing what threatens to become a fentanyl epidemic. This initial presentation focused on education.

According to statistics revealed by MCPS, fentanyl deaths in the county have nearly doubled since 2021.  The Forum assembled a group of panelists from various addiction support organizations to help students and parents come to grips with the impact of the drug.

Students and parents expressed their concerns and questions. Panelists responded with answers about resources and their plans for prevention.

The audience was also educated about the drug Narcan which can be used to revive an overdose victim. As the event ended, many stayed to watch a simulated Narcan intervention. After signing up, attendees could take a Narcan intervention kit home with them. Many parents also lingered to tour the COPE (Community Overdose Prevention Education) trailer which helps parents learn where to look if they suspect their child may be using drugs.

You can watch the entire forum here,

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