A standing room only crowd joined together in solidarity Tuesday night in support of Israel following an attack by the terrorist group Hamas that left at least 1,000 Israelis dead, more than 3,000 wounded and 150 abducted.
“We are a family in deep pain,” said Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt of Congregation Adas Israel in Washington, D.C., where the vigil was held. “But we are not broken,” she said, adding, “Resilience is in our birthright. It is in our DNA.”
More than 1,000 people, some watching virtually, joined rabbis and cantors from throughout the region in expressing their solidarity with Israel.
Gil Preuss, Jewish Federation of Greater Washington in Rockville’s CEO, teared up as he noted, “At this moment, I am heartbroken. Every time I watch the news, I feel more pain, and yet I know I have the responsibility to watch, to feel, to cry.”
Each murder “is a blow to our souls. There is no antidote to this horrific pain,” he said.
Ron Halber, executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council in Rockville, condemned “the mass slaughter” and “unprovoked massacre.” He labeled Hamas “a ruthless, moraless terrorist organization.”
He warned those in the audience that there will be more deaths as Israel strives to destroy Hamas, stressing, “Remember it is Hamas who will be responsible.”
Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser also spoke, declaring “her incredible support and empathy.” She called herself “a devoted friend you can count on.”
Declaring she was speaking for the 700,000 D.C. residents and 34,000 D.C. workers, Bowser said, “We stand together to emphatically reject terrorism.”
Another vigil in support of Israel is set for Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at Congregation Har Shalom, 11510 Falls Road, Potomac.
Thank you to the thousands from across Jewish Greater Washington who came together tonight at @adasisraeldc in solidarity with #Israel and to support one another. pic.twitter.com/OIHztd9oLe
— The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington (@JFGW) October 11, 2023
hundreds sang together in solidarity with Israel during Tuesday night's vigil at Congregation Adas Israel in DC pic.twitter.com/lFljK002dS
— suzanne pollak (@SuzannePollak) October 11, 2023
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