The 15th Annual Ice Cream Social for Charity takes place in the Park Potomac Community on Saturday, Aug. 19 from noon to 3 p.m. to benefit the Interfaith Works “We’ve got your back” campaign. There will be live music by the Rock-a-Sonics, face painting, plenty of games and activities, and Carmen’s ice cream. Ice cream tickets are $6 in advance at 12500 Park Potomac Ave. and $10 at the event.
The event, made possible through the planning and support of Park Potomac residents and businesses, supports the Interfaith Works annual backpack drive to provide more than 3,000 schoolchildren with new backpacks filled with supplies for the start of the the school year. All donations received are distributed to students at the Interfaith Works Essential Needs Center. Attendees at the social are encouraged to bring new backpacks to donate. Interfaith Works is a Montgomery County nonprofit serving more than 35,000 residents each year, helping them find a path to greater stability.
Saturday’s event will help give young people the tools and opportunities they need to learn successfully.
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