IKEA to Open Store at Rio Lakefront This Fall

IKEA announced plans to open a Plan and Order Point with Pick-Up store in Rio Lakefront, 101 Boardwalk Place, Gaithersburg this fall.

The 8,882-square-feet structure will feature home furnishing inspiration and personalized interior design planning as well as a pick-up point for customers to get purchases made online or in this new store or its Fairfax, Va. location, which is expected to open this summer.

“We’re excited to offer a new IKEA experience to our DC metro area customers with convenience in mind. Whether you’re looking for inspiration, need help from an IKEA design specialist or simply want to pick up a piece of furniture that you purchased online, the IKEA Fairfax and Gaithersburg Plan & order point with Pick-up are even more accessible and meet our customers where they are and how they like to shop,” said Javier Quiñones, CEO & Chief Sustainability Officer, IKEA U.S.

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