Montgomery Blair High
In Maryland, a total of 52 public and private high schools had at least one former student graduate from Harvard, Princeton or Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring ranked first with 10 former students graduating in 2018: three from Harvard, two from Princeton, and five from MIT, according to PolarisList.
PolarisList provides data from graduating classes at the three prestigious universities between 2015 and 2018. It determines which high schools contributed the most students to the institutions’ enrollment. The high schools are ranked based on the number of students that have graduated from the three universities. PolarisList chose Harvard, Princeton and MIT for the analysis “based on a combination of their selectivity and their accessibility to lower income students.”
On a national scale, Blair ranked 15th. Stuyvesant High School in New York, N.Y. ranked first in the nation, with a total of 23 students graduating from the three universities in 2018.
PolarisList also provides data from the 2015, 2016 and 2017 graduating classes. Between 2015 and 2018, Blair still ranked first in Maryland with a total of 31 students having graduated from Harvard (5), Princeton (11) or MIT (15), according to PolarisList.
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