‘Into the Ether’ Written by County Resident Features Local Landmarks and Restaurants

Looking for a good beach read with some local flavor?  “Into the Ether,” a crime thriller written by Chevy Chase resident David Sherer, might just fill the bill.

The novel, Sherer’s first venture into fiction, follows a DMV doctor, Adrian Wren, who leaves the country after using privileged information he obtained from a sedated patient to turn his savings into a fortune.

But before he takes off, Wren spends time at some familiar venues such as the C&O Canal and the Crescent Trail.

Well known area restaurants also provide a backdrop to the action. Characters visit the Old Anglers Inn in Potomac, the Irish Inn at Glen Echo and De Marco Pizzeria in Bethesda.

Sherer even named some of the characters after locals. Two policemen, Bell and Spear, are named after his elementary school teachers.

A Washington native, the author told MyMCM, “The reason I set the book here is because I love the region, I spent 46 of my 63 years here, other than my schooling and medical training, so I really love the area. I have deep roots to the area and I’m interested in its history and its people and its social structure so I thought it would be really cool to set a novel in the place where I grew up. ”

Sherer’s previous non-fiction work includes “What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You” and “Hospital Survival Guide.”

He told MyMCM, “I always wanted to move into fiction and I’ve had the idea for this book for ten years but never really got around to making it. So finally I woke up one day four years ago and said ‘well you’ve had this idea in your head, are you going to act on it or just kick the can down the road’ and I said I’m actually going to take a stab at it.”

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