Standard Time vs. Daylight Saving: Health Effects

The clock is ticking down for the 117th Congress. One of the many pieces of legislation still pending includes the Sunshine Protection Act of 2021. The bill would scrap Standard Time and make Daylight Saving the new permanent standard time all year round. But many in the medical community say Standard Time is better for your health.

MyMCM health producer Liz Feldman talked with Dr. Avni Jain from the Adventist Medical Group about the issue and the upcoming winter solstice on Dec. 21 and the impact on people’s health,

Dr. Jain recommends establishing a good sleep routine so the body’s circadian rhythm stays in sync. That includes avoiding rigorous exercise before bedtime. Instead, she advises winding down with a book or listening to music. She said it is important to set a good sleep schedule to catch some of that early morning sunlight.

As for the legislation to establish Daylight Saving Time year-round, the Senate passed the bill last March, but right now the bill is stalled in the House and if members do not act before Congress adjourns, the legislation will die. Lawmakers could then reintroduce the bill next year.

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