J&J Vaccine Doses on Stand-by as County Awaits Guidance

The CDC recently recommended the use of the Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine to resume after a temporary pause nationwide.

Local health leaders say they are waiting for guidance from the state before administering the refrigerated J&J doses already on hand before the pause.

Montgomery County Deputy Health Officer Dr. James Bridgers explains where the J&J doses will be deployed once there’s a direction from the state.

County leaders say the pause of the J&J COVID-19 vaccine should not be a deterrent for residents who have not gotten vaccinated yet, as Moderna and Pfizer doses are other available options.

As vaccine supply allows, County Clinics are currently vaccinating:

  • Residents 60 and older
  • Essential workers (a priority group which includes transit workers, teachers, child care workers, grocery store workers)
  • Individuals with developmental disabilities
  • Residents 16 and older with underlying medical conditions

Click here to preregister for the COVID-19 vaccine.

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