Keeping it SAFE Contest Addresses Teen Alcohol Use

Montgomery County’s Under Twenty-One Alcohol Prevention Coalition is holding its annual video contest for middle and high school students to create a PSA addressing teen alcohol usage, according to a Montgomery County Public Schools press release.

The coalition hosts these yearly competitions to spotlight the adverse effects of underage drinking. Participants can choose from three topics:

  • How social media influences teens about underage drinking
  • To drink vs. not to drink. What are the effects of alcohol and who influences you?
  • How the COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to under 21 alcohol use

Each PSA has to be 30 seconds long.  The contest is open to middle and high school students with cash prizes between $100 and $1,000 available to the participating schools or organizations. The deadline to submit entries is Friday, March 11 by 4 p.m.

Visit the Keeping it Safe website and click open the ‘2021-2022 Video Contest’ accordion for details to participate and tips for creating a compelling video.


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