The calendar has flipped to 2025, and many people are still trying to stick to their New Year’s resolutions. One of the most common resolutions people make is to lose weight. January also happens to be Healthy Weight Awareness Month.
Depending on a person’s goal, whether it is to lose 5 pounds, 10 pounds, or even greater amounts, shedding the weight is no easy feat. MCM spoke with Patricia Hertz. She is a registered dietitian with the Center for Fitness and Health at Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center in Rockville.
Advice to Lose Weight
Hertz said it is important for people to set realistic weight loss goals. She often hands her patients a tip sheet with the initials S.M.A.R.T. on it. This stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. These are the criteria she uses to help patients set achievable goals. Hertz said if people set their goals too high, they may be setting themselves up for failure.
Hertz said when she consults with patients she generally asks them to step back and think about the way they are eating. She counsels them to think about portion sizes. Hertz said sometimes people who struggle with their weight eat too much at night, whether that is having a late dinner or eating a late snack. She said unless people are working a night shift and need those calories to keep active, she recommends eating a bigger lunch and a smaller dinner especially if people are going to bed by 10 or 11 o’clock at night.
“Another thing I tell patients is to be careful about eating out a lot. The portion sizes are often a lot bigger at a restaurant compared to when a person eats at home. I also recommend patients find some type of exercise regimen, whether it is walking or going to the gym,” Hertz said.
“However, you don’t have to join a gym to be successful in your weight loss journey. You can march in place at home during commercial breaks while watching a television show. Park further away when you go grocery shopping. You can walk a flight of stairs instead of taking an elevator. There are multiple things you can do without having to go to a gym to be successful and get the exercise in,” Hertz added.
Shedding Smaller Amounts of Weight
She explained if a person is trying to lose a small amount of weight, some minor adjustments to their daily routine may do the trick. Hertz said it is important for people to be more mindful of the foods they are eating. She recommends adding more fruits, vegetables, and fiber to a person’s diet, and avoiding processed foods. Hertz said it also is important for people to get a proper night’s rest.
“If you don’t have good sleep habits, then you can have a hormonal cascade that will make you more resistant to weight loss,” Hertz explained.
A person’s stress level also can contribute to a person’s ability to lose or gain weight. Hormonal changes take place within the body when stress occurs.
“Maybe those changes will make you extra hungry, or maybe they will cause cravings, and you will have snacks or foods that you normally would not choose,” Hertz said.
Steps for Losing Larger Amounts of Weight
Meantime, patients looking to lose a greater amount of weight such as 20 pounds or more may need to take a different approach.
“I tell patients if you’re looking for a long-term weight loss or a larger amount of weight loss, you can’t look at eating as a diet. You have to look at it like this is a new lifestyle change. This is a new way of eating for my health, for both my short-term health, and my long-term health,” Hertz said.
One piece of advice Hertz has for people looking to lose a larger amount of weight is to make sure they are taking in more protein in their diets. Here’s why. Oftentimes, when people are losing a lot of weight, they incorporate exercise into their routines. Exercise can break down muscle, so Hertz said it is important to eat extra protein to rebuild those muscles. She also said older Americans begin to see age-related muscle loss, so it is important to eat more protein to offset those losses.
“In addition, I would say increase your fiber intake. That is so important. The more fiber you take in, the better it is for your heart and overall health. That is because fiber helps manage your blood sugars, blood pressure, and blood cholesterol. More protein and more fiber in your diet also will make you feel fuller because they take a longer time to digest,” Hertz explained.
While people may try out different diets, especially ones that promise fast results, Hertz cautions against them.
“I would say not every diet is meant for everyone. There is no quick fix. Many people want a fast weight loss. But to be successful long term, you really have to make a lifestyle change. Choose to eat healthier, and eat more whole foods. Be mindful about your portion sizes and about what you are actually consuming. Choose to exercise throughout the week, or choose to at least move throughout the day,” Hertz suggested.
Proven Diets
However, she does think two diets, in particular, have good track records. They include the Mediterranean Diet, and the Dash Diet. In general both diets urge people to eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and fish. Both diets also want people to limit their salt intake and the amount of sugar and saturated fat they consume.
Weight Loss Drugs
Weight loss drugs have become popular in recent years. Hertz said while many of these drugs have shown a lot of benefit to help people become healthier, she is concerned about what happens when people get off the drugs. She hopes patients will adopt a healthy lifestyle once they have lost the weight. Otherwise, they may revert back to their previous eating habits.
Losing Weight is Hard, Be Kind to Yourself
Hertz said when people get on a journey to lose weight they need to give themselves some grace. Again, she said it is important for people to set realistic goals. That is because at some point people may experience setbacks, and she said that is okay. She said if a person is committed to losing weight, one bad meal or one awful day of eating is not going to hurt you. She said the next meal and the next day is a chance to start over. Hertz said it is important for people to realize they are not perfect and failure can happen. However, she believes losing weight is an attainable goal that people can achieve. It will help put people on a path to a healthier lifestyle.
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