Key Dates, Voting Information for Maryland Primary Election

With Maryland’s Primary Election approaching on Tuesday, May 14, here’s a look at the ways to vote and the key dates to know.

How to Vote

There are three ways to vote in the Maryland Primary Election.

Method One: Vote By Mail

Registered voters in Maryland may vote by mail-in ballot, which may be obtained by completing a mail-in ballot application or texting VBM to 77788.

Method Two: In-Person Early Voting

Early Voting Centers are open daily from 7 a.m.-8 p.m. from May 2-9. There are 14 Early Voting Centers in Montgomery County.

Method Three: In-Person Election Day

Voters must go to their designated polling location to vote on Primary Election Day, or they will have to use a provisional ballot.  Citizens who have not already registered to vote in Maryland may register for the first time, declare a party affiliation and vote the same day on Election Day, provided they bring identification.

Find polling location.

Key Dates

April 23 Voter Registration Deadline

The last day to register to vote or update voter registration online or by mail for the primary election is April 23.

Register to vote online.

Register to vote by mail.

In person same day registration is available during Early Voting and on Election Day.

May 2-9 Early Voting

Eligible voters can cast their ballot in-person at any voting center in the county from May 2-9. The centers are open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. each day, including Saturday and Sunday. There are 14 early voting centers in Montgomery County. Voters can find a list of centers at this link.

Citizens who are not registered to vote in Maryland may register for the first time, declare a party affiliation and vote in person during early voting OR at their local polling place on primary election day, provided they bring identification. Documents accepted as proof of residency are detailed on the Maryland Board of Elections’ website here.

May 7 Deadline to Request a Mail-In Ballot Delivered by Mail or Fax

The deadline to request a mail-in ballot is May 7, for ballots delivered by regular mail or by Fax.

Request a mail-in ballot delivered by mail.

May 10 Deadline to Request a Mail-in Ballot Delivered Online

The deadline to request a ballot by email is May 10.

Request a mail-in ballot online.

May 14 Primary Election Day

Deadline to Return Completed Mail-in Ballot

Voters using a mail-in ballot may return their completed ballot by mail or by hand. Mailed ballots must be postmarked by or before 8 p.m. on May 14. Drop boxes are available to drop-off completed ballots, which must be returned by May 14 at 8 p.m.

Find a drop box near you.

Primary Election Day In-person Voting

Voters must go to their assigned precinct polling place to vote on election day, or they will have to use a provisional ballot. Polls will be open for in person voting from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Find your polling place.

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