Large Black Bear Spotted in West Rockville

A large black bear has been seen several times roaming West Rockville around Woodley Gardens and Great Falls Road, according to Rockville City Police.

Anyone who sees a bear is asked to call the police non-emergency number at 240-314-8900. People Police advised people to stay calm, and to not surprise the bear.

“They usually just want to be left alone,” according to police. They may charge at a person and then turn away. Defensively, bears may woof, yawn, salivate, growl, snap their jaws or lay their ears back.

It may be hard, but don’t scream or run away as that may trigger the bear, causing it to attack, police said.

Instead, anyone near a bear should talk calmly so the bear knows you are a human and not prey. Remain still, stand your ground but then slowly wave your arms. Help the bear realize you are human, police said. Pick up small children.

Police noted that a bear standing on its two legs usually is merely curious.


Courtesy of Rockville City Police FB

If the bear is stationary, move away slowly and sideways, still keeping an eye on the animal. Don’t run. Bears are fast and do chase other animals. Leave the bear a place to escape.

Police advise people to hike with others; make yourself seem tall by standing on a hill, if possible and feed pets indoors. Turn on outside lights.

About 10 days ago, a bear was seen going through trash bins in a Kensington neighborhood. Other reports say a bear was seen on the NSA grounds in nearby Bethesda earlier this week.

According to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Maryland has a breeding population of black bears in its four westernmost counties -Garrett, Allegany, Washington and Frederick. However, DNR receives several bear sightings and complaints throughout the state each year.​

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