Late Takoma Park Fire Chief Honored

After 65 years of dedicated service to the Takoma Park Volunteer Fire Department (TPVFD), 84-year-old Jimmy Jarboe passed away in Sept. of 2022, but his memory will now live forever in the department in a special way.

In a ceremony held on Sunday at the Takoma Park fire station, the FPVFD dedicated Engine 704 in memory of the legendary Chief Jarboe with a special emblem next to the door that reads “In memory of Chief James ‘Jimmy’ Jarboe” with his “65 years of dedicated service” underneath.

“He was always a legend and a fixture in Takoma Park,” said former Takoma Park Mayor Kate Stewart after Jarboe’s passing.

Engine 704 is set to replace an older model that will no longer be in service. The new truck was blessed with holy water from the truck it will be replacing.

“That’s how we protect our own,” a spokesperson for the county’s fire department said of the blessing.

In addition to the dedication of Engine 704, a separate memorial stands for Jarboe. In a glass box sits his equipment complete with his helmet, boots and jacket that displays his name.

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