The City of Rockville is looking for residents to voice their input on its Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for Fiscal Year 2025.
The large-scale CIP projects map out how the city will use its budget to invest in new improvement projects for facilities, roads, buildings, parks, and other infrastructure services.
With the start of the budget process for Fiscal Year 2025 beginning on July 1, 2024, Rockville is encouraging community members to give feedback on current infrastructure conditions and propose new facility ideas to meet the community’s needs.
Per the City of Rockville, the proposal requirements are as follows:
- Proposals cannot serve a private purpose or be located on private property.
- Proposals should have an equal, accessible benefit to all community members.
- If you are submitting a proposal on behalf of a neighborhood group, the proposal should be discussed and agreed on by your neighborhood group before submission.
- If your neighborhood would like to provide formal input to the Mayor and Council on a project you submit through this process, you can do so at any point during the budget process via submission of a letter or online budget comment to the Mayor and Council, or by addressing the Mayor and Council at one of the budget public hearings during the FY 2025 budget process.
Each submitted proposal will be included as part of the Fiscal Year 2025 budget public record beginning with the first budget public hearing in Fall 2023, and a summary of all submitted proposals will be presented to the Mayor and Council, the City Manager, and applicable city department staff.
Those looking to submit a proposal must complete the online Propose a Project form by Friday, Sept. 15, 2023. Residents can also find examples of CIP projects and follow the Fiscal Year 2025 budget process on Rockville’s budget webpage.
Comments are closed.