Looking to Make Change Happen? County Offers Lessons

The Montgomery County Community Action Board, which advocates on behalf of low-income county residents, offers free advocacy training through its Community Advocacy Institute.

The program, founded in 2016, is designed to educate and provide participants with the advocacy skills necessary to improve their own communities. It’s meant for Montgomery County residents who have a combined household income of $57,000 or less as a way of accessing advocacy opportunities that would otherwise be unavailable.

According to a press release from the county, the eight-month-long program will teach participants how to work with elected officials, write letters, develop testimony and research key advocacy issues. The program’s 12 sessions will be a mix of virtual and in-person events, depending on county regulations regarding coronavirus restrictions.

Applications are due Friday, August 20. For more information, call the Community Action Agency at 240-777-1697.

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