Malfunctioning Wheelchair Possible Cause of Alexander House Apartment Fire

A wheelchair malfunctioning may have caused an early morning fire on Thursday at a Silver Spring apartment, according to fire officials.

Fire and Rescue Services responded to the report of a fire in a second floor apartment at the Alexander House Apartments just after 12:30 a.m. The apartments are located in the 8500 block of 2nd Avenue.

MCFRS spokesperson Pete Piringer reported a person was found in the apartment in a wheelchair with significant burns and transported with life-threatening injuries to the burn center. The occupant, who is in their 70s, is said to be in critical condition. A second person also was transported to the hospital for a medical emergency.

Fire officials believe the fire began under the seat of the wheelchair, as the batteries and drive motor were severely damaged. Crews on scene said the batteries were not Lithium Ion after checking them.

The fire was put out by sprinklers and the damages are approximately $50,000.




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