Maryland awarded $35.7 million in grants for 53 bicycle, pedestrian and trail projects throughout the state, including six in Montgomery County.
“These grants will provide residents with improved bicycle and pedestrian access for transportation, recreation, and good health,” said Governor Larry Hogan. “Strengthening Maryland’s bike and pedestrian trail network provides greater quality of life for residents of all ages and makes our state even more attractive for residents and businesses.”
The state awarded $312,000 for a feasibility study for a Twinbrook Safe Routes to School and Transit Access.
The study will show the best way to enhance eight intersections with pedestrian and bicycle facilities and buildings and seven proposed neighborhood sidewalk connections near Twinbrook Metro Station and Twinbrook Elementary School.
The City of Gaithersburg was awarded $200,000 to work on designing a shared use path area along I270 and the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Nature Forward, which is the new name of The Audubon Naturalist Society, was awarded $26,264 to make and install bilingual interpretative signs and orientation centers at trailheads at the Woodend Sanctuary in Chevy Chase.
Design work for a shared use path along Good Hope Road from Rainbow Drive to Spencerville Local Park in Colesville was awarded $128,000.
The City of Rockville was awarded two grants. A $52,000 grant is for a feasibility study and preliminary design work for an all ages and all abilities bicycle facility along Martins Lane between North Washington Street and Mannakee Street.
The other is a $41,940 grant for the City of Rockville to purchase and install eight bicycle and pedestrian counters throughout the area.
“There’s no question safe and convenient bike and pedestrian access is a critical component of Maryland’s transportation network,” said MDOT Secretary James F. Ports, Jr. in a news release. “The projects that Governor Hogan is supporting through these grant awards will impact communities from the Eastern Shore to Western Maryland in a very positive way.”
Today I announced $35.7 million in grants for 53 bicycle, pedestrian, and trail projects across our state that will provide Marylanders with improved bicycle and pedestrian access for transportation and recreation. @WalkCycleMD
Details: https://t.co/FYMIvEu4U9 pic.twitter.com/aXahSdA1Cx
— Governor Larry Hogan (@GovLarryHogan) October 26, 2022
The $35.7M in bicycle, pedestrian & trail grants announced by @GovLarryHogan includes $33.1M for 32 Transportation Alternatives & Recreational Trails projects such as bike/ped facilities & work in the Safe Routes to School program. More: https://t.co/nWwnk4EN64 #WalktoberMD2022 pic.twitter.com/QplKPD76Pf
— MDTransportationDept (@MDOTNews) October 26, 2022
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