Maryland Offers $20 Lyft Coupon During Holiday Season

The Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) is offering Lyft coupons for a sober ride home in order to cut the number of impaired drivers on Maryland roads during the holiday season.

1,598 drivers were arrested last year for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, according to the MVA.

The state, through a partnership with Lyft and, is making 1,000 coupons available this holiday season.

The code is redeemable on the Lyft app for a $20 credit. Any code not used in 24 hours will revert to the system.

To claim the $20 credit, Marylanders should open the Lyft app, choose “Payment” from the menu on the top left corner, and scroll to the “Add Lyft Pass” section.

The code becomes available at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 22 at Zero Deaths Maryland.

For the third holiday season, the MVA received a $20,000 grant from the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) to use for the program. GHSA awarded two grants, one to Maryland and the other to Georgia.


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