Maryland Reports Spike in COVID-19 Cases

Maryland is one of seven states reporting a spike in COVID-19 cases partially due to variants and hot weather. Levels of COVID-19 viral activity in wastewater are currently “very high” in Maryland, according to the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Wastewater Viral Activity Levels Map. The national wastewater viral activity level for COVID-19 is currently “high.”

The CDC’s COVID Data Tracker reports around an 11% national rate of test positivity, up almost 2% from last week’s rate of 9.1%.

Montgomery County is currently averaging around 32 cases per 100,000 residents, according to the county’s COVID-19 Surveillance Dashboard. 41 new cases were reported on July 16.

Depsite the very high levels of viral activity in wastewater and national trends, both Montgomery County and Maryland’s COVID-19 hospital admission levels per 100,000 people remains “low.” The seven-day total for COVID-19 hospital admissions in Montgomery County is around three per 100,000 people.

“COVID is still out there. COVID is rising,” said County Executive Marc Elrich during his weekly news briefing Wednesday.
Sean O’Donnell, an administrator with the Department of Health and Human Services, agreed, “It is indeed going up.”
Outpatient visits to area emergency rooms are increasing. However, O’Donnell added, inpatient cases “are not going up significantly, but are still creeping up…COVID is spreading right now.”

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