The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) will hold a public meeting on Thursday, March 27, at 7 p.m. to discuss pedestrian safety improvements on Montgomery Village Avenue. The meeting will take place at Whetstone Elementary School’s All-Purpose Room, located at 19201 Thomas Farm Road in Gaithersburg.
MCDOT plans to improve a 2.4-mile segment of Montgomery Village Avenue between Midcounty Highway (MD 124) and Whitman Road. This corridor ranks as a priority in the County’s Vision Zero High Injury Network. After conducting a Road Safety Audit in 2024, MCDOT designed upgrades that include new crosswalks, median extensions, pedestrian hybrid beacons, ADA improvements, and enhanced signage and markings.
At the meeting, MCDOT will present project details, answer questions, and gather public input. Residents can share feedback, which may influence the final project design.
The project website may be found online at the Montgomery Village Avenue Safety Improvement Project.
Community members can submit comments online or by emailing walkyourway@montgomerycountymd.gov by 6 p.m. on Sunday, April 27. Written comments hold the same weight as oral comments.
File photo of pedestrian hybrid beacon in Aspen Hill