During MyMCM’s first annual Party with a Purpose Wednesday night in the Silver Spring Civic Center, outgoing Nancy Navarro was saluted for her 13 years on the county council receiving the Montgomery County Public Service Award.
During her acceptance speech, she spoke of the important role of local media and the work of MCM.
Vernon Ricks, former Takoma Park councilmember and mayor and mentor to many, was awarded the Montgomery County Local Trailblazer Award. He was introduced by Councilmember Will Jawando.
MCM shared video stories of the great work of Manna Food Center, which received the Montgomery County Humanitarian Award, and Mercy Health Clinic, which was awarded the Montgomery County Good Neighbor Award.
MCM also feted the six incoming female councilmembers. Their elections hiked the female composition of the council from one to six. Seated on the 2023 county council will be Kate Stewart, Natali Fani Gonzalez, Kristin Mink, Dawn Luedtke, Marilyn Balcombe and Laurie-Anne Sayles.
It was a night in which former, current and newly elected Montgomery County officials enjoyed foods, drinks and great music by the Albert Einstein Jazz Band.
Former Councilmember Valerie Erwin, current members Gabe Albornoz, Evan Glass, Nancy Navarro, Jawando and Andrew Friedson mingled with incoming members Stewart, Sayles, Luedtke, Balcombe, Laurie-Anne Sayles and Gonzalez.
Montgomery County Board of Education President Brenda Wolff attended as did former member Jill Ortman-Fouse. Police Chief Marcus Jones chatted and posed for photos with former Chief Tom Manger, now chief of the U.S. Capitol Police.
Takoma Park mayors Ricks, Stewart and newly elected Talisha Searcy all attended.
Last night we were able to celebrate a lot of amazing leaders in Montgomery County. It was an honor to have so many special guests in the building for these moments!
Here’s a thread on our EPIC award winners from MCM’s Party with a Purpose. #MCMPwP pic.twitter.com/8tal9iTtOY
— Montgomery Community Media (@mymcmedia) December 1, 2022
Councilmember @nancy_navarro was presented with the EPIC Public Service award for her 14 years of work and service on the @MoCoCouncilMD as the first Latina woman.
Here’s her speech on her award and the importance of local media. #MCMPwP pic.twitter.com/YuNwiA657G
— Montgomery Community Media (@mymcmedia) December 1, 2022
Enjoyed last night’s @mymcmedia Party with a Purpose to celebrate the many amazing individuals who are working hard in different capacities and sectors for the community of Montgomery County! Thank you to @JZSLAVIN and the MCM team, and congratulations to the award recipients! pic.twitter.com/6vY0pFRwsp
— Councilmember Gabe Albornoz (@albornoz_gabe) December 1, 2022
Music, fun and friends! #partywithapurpose @mymcmedia pic.twitter.com/fSsRDDPLqf
— Andrea Sarralde (@asarralde) December 1, 2022
TY @mymcmedia for a wonderful evening. Great to celebrate all the honorees. I want to thank @CM_NancyNavarro for her service to MoCo. I look forward to working w/my incoming colleagues to continue the work @NataliFGonzalez @MarilynBalcombe @PennDawn96 @LaurieASayles @KristinMink_ https://t.co/5BIAlitcFe pic.twitter.com/tyXqSY2V2Y
— Kate Stewart (she/her) (@VoteKateStewart) December 1, 2022
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