MCPS Addresses Challenges in Virtual Learning

The Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Department of Curriculum and Instructional Programs has developed a long-term plan to address the learning loss during the pandemic. 

According to MCPS, national research has shown that math achievement has been impacted by the pandemic more than any other content area in K-12 education. 

The department’s long-term plan will make changes to curriculum standards that had to be reduced or removed due to the new virtual learning schedule. The plan will focus on the needs of struggling learners while understanding how to meet their needs. In addition to this, MCPS will focus on identifying students that need accelerated courses.  

In an effort to respond to community interest, MCPS will continue accelerated courses at the elementary, middle and high school levels. They continue to work with stakeholders to address students’ social-emotional learning and English language development. 

More information regarding the MCPS math plan will be provided at the Board of Education meeting held on May 25.

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